Serve With Us!

“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:28

At Cornerstone, we are committed to gathering as a church body to grow together and give sacrificially. This is all part of our mission to connect, commit, call, and ultimately look more like Jesus.

We invite you to explore the many ways in which you can faithfully serve the church and our local communities. There are always new opportunities, but below are some of our current ministry needs. If you are interested in serving at Cornerstone, please fill out our Volunteer Application by clicking the button below! If you are serving for the first time, please call our office at (805) 581-9532 to set up an appointment to be live scanned. We are excited to be on mission with you!

Current Service Opportunities & Ministry Needs

  • Administrative Support

    • Quarterly: prep curriculum binders for children's ministry & items for member dinners.

    • Monthly: Help maintain the organization of the kitchen cabinets and linen storage.

    • Seasonal: Help with setup & teardown of seasonal decor (Easter, Christmas, VBS), directed by the decor lead.

    • Occasional (& with little advanced notice): Help to cover the reception desk (answering the phones and the door during office hours) when our receptionist is unavailable.

  • Care Ministry

    • Caregivers: People who want to, feel led to, and are gifted to walk with others in one-on-one biblical counsel. Training and apprenticing available. (membership required)

    • Care Group Leaders: People who would like to lead/facilitate care support groups (for example: chronic illness, sexual brokenness, etc.) (membership required)

    • Prayer Team: People to pray with others in the prayer room during Sunday services.

    • Funeral & Memorials Team: People to serve during funerals/memorial services.

  • Children's Ministry

    • Adults to serve every other week in early childhood and elementary classes

    • High energy adults who can help lead the praise & worship time in room 11 /12.

    • Substitute teachers who can be ready to fill in when regular teachers are unavailable.

    Note: Live scan (fingerprinting & background check) and Mandated Reporter Training required for adults who regularly serve with minors.

  • Event Photographer Team

    • 2-4 photographers for baptism Sundays and special events.

  • First Impressions

    • Would like to grow the team by adding ushers, greeters, people to run the café & parking.

  • Global Missions

    • Core Team Members: People with a heart for and experience in Global Ministry who can serve on the decision-making board. (membership required}

    • Serve Team Members: People who can help with events, prayer nights, VBS Missions room, and quarterly Global focuses.

  • Imago Dei Disability Ministry

    • Adult facilitators: a man and a woman who have a heart for the disabled and for investing in making disciples (Livescan required).

  • Landscaping Team

    • People who will mow, trim bushes, sweep/blow weekly/bi-weekly as needed.

  • SERT - Security and Emergency Response Team

    • Security and Emergency Response Team: Looking for people with security and/or medical training to serve Sunday mornings, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings during student gatherings, and special events.

  • Student Ministries

    • Small Group Leaders for High School and Middle School: Caring adults who are committed to discipling teenagers regularly, and have the time, energy and desire to build consistent relationships with students
    (membership required)

    • Small Group Co-Leaders for High School and Middle School: Additional supportive adults to assist small group leaders in mentoring, discipling and engaging with students in smaller, intentional settings. (membership required)

    • Person to run A/V (sound & slides) during high school ministry on Wednesday nights.

    • One-Time (or occasional) opportunities:

    People to serve for specific events or projects, without an ongoing commitment.

    Drivers for Special Events: Adults willing to be part of a pool of drivers, who can be called upon to shuttle students to and from special events.

    Note: Livescan (fingerprinting & background check) and Mandated Reporter Training required for adults who regularly serve with minors.

  • Young Adults Ministry

    • 2 Female Co-Facilitators who can attend the Young Adults Ministry weekly to connect with and facilitate Biblical discussion among a group of young adults

    • 2 Male & 2 Female Mentors who can attend the Young Adults Ministry at least 2 times a month to connect with and relationally disciple young adults outside of the regular ministry night.

  • Worship Ministry

    • Musical Worship (audition required):

    Worship Leaders (membership required}
    Piano Players
    Rhythm Acoustic Guitar Players

    • Audio/Visual:
    Video Editors
    Livestream Audio Mixers
    ProPresenter Operators (announcement slides, worship lyrics, etc.)

  • Spanish Ministry

    • Musicians (guitar and bass)

    • Vocalists (Spanish)