Serve With Us!
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:28
At Cornerstone, we are committed to gathering as a church body to grow together and give sacrificially. This is all part of our mission to connect, commit, call, and ultimately look more like Jesus.
We invite you to explore the many ways in which you can faithfully serve the church and our local communities. There are always new opportunities, but below are some of our current ministry needs. If you are interested in serving at Cornerstone, please fill out our Volunteer Application by clicking the button below! If you are serving for the first time, please call our office at (805) 581-9532 to set up an appointment to be live scanned. We are excited to be on mission with you!
Current Service Opportunities & Ministry Needs
A/V Team
In need of 2 people for each of the following: to run slides, operate cameras (can be trained), run A/V – sound experience preferred. We are also looking for 2 People to train for A/V in Children's, MPR, & Sanctuary. Commitment: 1-2 times a month.
Care Ministry
Teachers/Apprentices/Helpers to host/co-host Care Teams- right now it’s for Grief Share & Chronic Pain Support Group (training included).
Sunday Morning Prayer Team always welcomes new volunteers, commitment is once a month to cover the prayer room with a partner.
Funerals & Memorials Team also welcomes volunteers, commitment is 6-12 months allowing us to reach out when the need arises to serve our grieving families.
Children's Ministry
Commitment: every other week
2 Adults - 9:00-9:40am to watch teachers'/leaders’ children during the Children’s Volunteer service.
1 adult male – 4/5th grade boy teacher/leader.
Event Photographer Team
2-4 photographers for baptism Sundays and special events.
First Impressions
Would like to grow the team by adding 4 ushers, 3 greeters, and 2 people to serve at the café. Commitment: Sunday mornings 1-2 times a month.
Hospitality/Events Team
Help set up, serve, and tear down for all church and ministry events.
Imago Dei Disability Ministry
Adult group: 2 men and 2 women to help facilitate an adapted message after the 3rd worship song with the congregation. Commitment: once a month.
Younger Imago Dei: 1 man and 1 woman to help; simple training and tips provided for individual students with their specific needs. Commitment: twice a month.
Landscaping Team
People who will mow, trim bushes, sweep/blow weekly/bi-weekly as needed.
SERT - Security and Emergency Response Team
Security and Emergency Response Team: Looking for people with security and/or medical training to serve Sunday mornings, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings during student gatherings, and special events.
Student Ministries
Small Group Leaders: Attend weekly program night and lead a 30-minute small group discussion based on the teaching. Leaders are asked to meet with students during the week in order to build mentorship/discipleship relationships, as well as participate in quarterly youth events, and 2 camps per year. Commitment: 1 year.
Need: 1 male & 2 females Impact (Middle School) – Tuesdays
3 males & 3 females The Rock (High School) – Wednesdays
Small group co-leaders: Attend weekly program night and assist in a 30-minute small group discussion based on the teaching. Co-leaders are asked to participate in quarterly youth events, and 2 camps per year.
Need: 2 male & 3 female Impact (Middle School) – Tuesdays
3 males The Rock (High School) – Wednesdays
Young Adults Ministry
2 Female Co-Facilitators who can attend the Young Adults Ministry weekly to connect with and facilitate Biblical discussion among a group of young adults
2 Male & 2 Female Mentors who can attend the Young Adults Ministry at least 2 times a month to connect with and relationally disciple young adults outside of the regular ministry night.
Worship Musicians
We are looking for people with a musical background to serve on the Worship team. This is an area where you can use your musical gifts to lead the congregation in a time of musical worship on a Sunday morning. The time commitment we are asking for is 1-2 Sundays a month. The time can vary from week to week. You can expect to spend 3-8 hours during the week learning the songs we are playing on that Sunday and we rehearse on Sundays at 6:50 am.