We believe that membership is the commitment to being a disciple and making disciples of others (Matt. 28:18-20) in partnership with the other members and elders of Cornerstone. Therefore, we would love to give you a broad overview of what the process of becoming a member looks like as you prayerfully consider joining us in this commitment.
NEW! Introduction to Membership Class (4 Weeks)
If you have been wondering what membership means here at Cornerstone, or are new and have questions about who we are, this membership class is for you! Over this 4-week course, we will give you a brief history of Cornerstone as well as the vision of where we are headed. This is a great place to ask questions and get to know some of our leaders!
Step 01
Read the Membership Booklet
Learn about the biblical premise for membership, what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples, our summary doctrinal statement, responsibilities of leaders and members, and more.
Step 02
If you have read our membership booklet and are ready to move forward with this commitment to Cornerstone’s mission to be and make disciples, the next step is to complete our membership application.
Apply for Membership
Step 03
One of our elders will reach out to you to set up a time to meet! This is a casual time to connect (usually over a meal) and address any questions that you or we may have. At the end of the meeting, the elder will let you know if you are approved for membership or if there are any additional questions or concerns that need to be addressed before moving forward with your commitment to be and make disciples of Jesus at the local body of Cornerstone Church.
Schedule a Meeting with an Elder
Next Steps for Members
Please visit the page below for more information and to RSVP for upcoming member dinners and equipping & service opportunities.
If you have any questions, please email us at