Groups & Classes • Winter/Spring ‘25

Below is a list of the current Bible study groups and classes that are happening at Cornerstone. Our hope is that these classes support spiritual growth, fellowship and learning about God’s Word. Please view the information for each class below and click the sign up button to register. **Continue checking back here for regular updates & information on all of our Bible study groups & classes.

Ongoing Groups & Gatherings

Below is a list of Cornerstone’s ongoing gatherings. Click on the + icon to learn more about each one.

  • Our quarterly all-member dinners provide time to build relationships with each other by sharing a meal, taking the Lord’s Supper, giving church updates, and celebrating what the Lord has done and is doing in the life of Cornerstone. Learn more about membership here.

  • Impact (Middle School) meets weekly on Tuesday nights, and The Rock (High School) meets weekly on Wednesday nights. Visit our student ministries page for more information on time and location!

  • Embracing the Journey is a fellowship group for widows embracing the journey of widowhood. This group gathers once a month for encouragement, support, social activities, and bible studies. For more details, please call (805) 581-9532

  • (Tuesdays in the Main MPR from 6:30-7:30 PM) “Set Free” Overcomers Outreach Meeting is a Christian 12-Step Support Group for Alcoholics and Addicts discovering freedom from active addiction through the power of Jesus Christ using God’s authoritative Word. For more information, please contact (805) 581-9532

  • **Starts back up January 23 - April 17 (Thursdays in the South MPR at 6:30PM) If you or someone you know has been walking through the hardship of grief from the loss of a loved one, join us as we look to the comfort of God’s word to find peace and healing on the journey. For more information & to register, please visit the grief share website.

  • We invite you to join us for a time of prayer for our missionary partners who serve around the world. You will get to know them by face and name, where they are serving and the work that the Lord is doing through them in the various nations they serve. This is a time to lift both specific needs and general prayer, asking God for their strength, protection, provision and guidance as they serve in often very difficult circumstances and situations. If you are interested in praying with us, we meet quarterly on a Tuesday evening from 6:30 – 8:00pm.

    Our next prayer night will be February 18, 2025 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Please email for location details.

Winter/Spring ‘25 Groups & Classes

Reading Plan + Bible Discovery Groups

Follow along with our Winter/Spring Bible reading plan! This season we will be reading through the prophets. The plan begins on January 5th, and groups will be available weekly beginning the week of January 26th to connect and discuss the reading. We hope that you will join us in making Scripture reading a daily habit. Click here to go to the online version of the reading plan. Obtain a paper copy in the lobby on Sunday morning.

Click on the + icon for more info.
  • The reading plan groups will meet weekly beginning week of January 26 and go through mid April.

    • Group A) Sundays 6-7:30pm; room 10

      • Leaders: Kevin & Julie Schoonover

    • Group B) (women only) Tuesdays 6:30-8pm; room 11

      • Leader: Heather Chambers

    • Group C) Tuesdays 6:30-8pm; room 10

      • Teachers: Ryan & Jenee Chromy

    • Group D) Wednesdays 5:30-7pm; room 10

      • Leaders: Tom & Dina Brewer

New! Introduction to Membership Class (4 Weeks)

This 4-week class will meet from 12:30-2pm on Sundays beginning on January 26th. Please grab lunch after service and bring it with you the South MPR. We will spend time will helping you understand the story of Cornerstone, our mission to be disciples who make disciples, and the blessings and responsibilities of membership in this local church.

Click on the + icon for more info.
  • Date/Time/Location:

    Sundays for 4 weeks beginning on January 26 - February 16th in the South MPR (4364 Valley Fair Street) from 12:30-2pm.

    Another 4-week session is planned for October 5th - 26th

Spiritual Habits & Disciplines

Spiritual habits are gospel-based practices that are found in Scripture that promote spiritual growth in and among believers. They are experiential habits of devotion that have been practiced by God’s people since biblical times. God uses each habit from the Bible, both those done personally and corporately, in a unique way to transform us into Christ’s image as we engage in them by faith. We cannot be transformed into the people God intends without them. They are essential to our ongoing growth regardless of how long we’ve followed Jesus.

*Check back soon for a list of upcoming classes & and a link to register!

  • Date/Time/Location:

    Meets the third Saturday of every other month from 9:00-11:00 AM in the South MPR (4364 Valley Fair Street). Check our events calendar for up-to-date information on meetings.

    Teacher(s): Various

    Upcoming Classes: Check back soon!

    Books: ESV Bible and “Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines”

    Materials: A way to take notes

Life Workshops

This class discusses various topics and meets periodically, 1 to 2 Sundays a month from 1:00-3:00 PM in the South MPR.

Enjoying Your Bible

Join us as we explore how to read different genres of the Bible!

  • Date/Time/Location:

    Meets on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 PM in room 11 in the Children’s Ministry Building. Begins February 12th

    Leader(s):Tom Chambers & Todd Nighswonger

    Book(s): ESV Bible

Women’s Bible Study - Psalms

A 10-week study for women. We will be learning and practicing the methods of how to study the Bible with our minds so that it transform our hearts. This winter/spring we are going to spend time in the Old Testament studying the book of Psalms.

  • Date/Time/Location:

    This is 10-week women’s study that meets on Fridays from 9:30-11 AM in the South MPR (4364 Valley Fair Street) Begins January 24.

    Note: This class will have weekly homework that covers the book reading, weekly Bible reading/study time, and optional podcasts.

    Leader(s): Keri Reid

    Book(s): ESV Bible, notebook & pen

**Be sure to continue checking back here for regular updates & information on all of our Bible study groups & classes