Worship Ministry
The worship team serves Cornerstone by providing a gospel-focused musical worship experience that motivates the congregation to worship God in spirit and truth as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

Service Opportunities
Worship Team Musicians
This area of ministry is where you can use your musical gifts to lead the congregation in musical worship on Sunday mornings. We are asking for a commitment of at least one Sunday a month, which can vary from week to week. It can be more frequent if your schedule permits. You can expect to spend 3-8 hours during the week to learn the songs we will play that Sunday. We rehearse on Sundays at 6:50 a.m.
Want to serve within the Worship Ministry? Fill out the form below!
Worship Team A/V
Our Audio/Visual team serves Cornerstone by doing two things. The audio team serves by mixing FOH and livestream audio. The visual team serves by operating cameras, directing, running slides, and controlling the lights. We are asking for a commitment of at least one Sunday a month, which can vary from week to week. It can be more frequent if your schedule permits. Experience is preferred, but training is available for those who would like to learn.
Want to serve within the Worship Ministry? Fill out the form below
Song Suggestions
Have any worship songs you want us to hear? Send them to us!
*Submitting this form does not guarantee your song(s) will be used during service. We evaluate each song by considering the biblical accuracy of the lyrics and the suitability of the melody for congregational singing. We also consider the rate at which we introduce new songs.